Friday, August 13, 2010

Moose has reached the top of the world!

Well, at least he has reached the top of the lower 48 states.

Wow! Miss a day and you miss it all. Between my school job and my AYUSA job I was away from my computer all day yesterday. So, I did not check on the Mooster and missed the opportunity to tell you that he would summit today! And now the big news, he has done it once again!

It appears that Moose continued on his trek yesterday morning starting at 7:45. He stopped for the evening at 9:45 near Guitar Lake. The crazed Moose awoke in the wee hours and started the approach to Whitney at 1:00 in the morning. He summited at 5:17 or it could be at 5:40 a.m.

Ken is now on his way down and approaching his last stop Whitney Portal. He appears to be taking a break at Consultation Lake. He has traveled 212.6 miles and only has six miles to go.

Hopefully Moose's ride is ready to pick him up and take him to the nearest burger and beer joint for a personal celebration.

Walk for SOCK rocks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nighty Night Dear Moose

I am ready to go to bed, but Moose has not sent the all is well signal to indicate he is stopping for the evening. So I am giving up before he is...OR...he forgot to push the little button. I suspect the latter because he has not moved in over an hour.

It would appear that today was a BIG hiking day. Moose (again!) got up around 6:30 a.m. and started hiking. It is now almost 11:00 and no signal has come through to show that he is done.

His latest SPOT indicates that he is now back on track with his plans and maybe even a mile or two ahead. Moose walked from mile 152 to mile 176 today. That is 24 miles of backpacking with a big pass to cross too. Pinchot pass peaks at 12,130 feet then shortly after that Moose descended to a "low" spot of 8,492 feet at Woods Creek Junction. In backpacking, what goes down will often go up again. He is back up around 10,000 feet.

Poor Moose is missing out on all the fun at home. Bills keep rolling in, even when the Moose-man is gone. Kids still need rides all over the Klamath Basin. The mess has not magically disappeared, nor has a single chicken laid an egg. Those kids of ours keep eating too! I never thought 2 full refrigerators could not hold all the food they ask for. Just eat a PB&J, guys!

Charlie kindly came by with Jacob yesterday and collected the games we borrowed for Camp SOCK. Jacob and his friend enjoyed touring our zoo while Charlie loaded up his car. We all missed "Uncle Charlie" this year at camp, but I must say I can't fault him for choosing Europe over Camp SOCK. Next year, Charlie, there are no excuses!

Goodnight, my fellow Moose followers. I hope you have sweet dreams of climbing mountains and watching meteor showers.

Moose is moving along

Quick Moose update...Ken stopped for the night around 9:50 p.m. after a long day on the trail.

His tracker shows he was moving this morning by 6:29 a.m. which is a shocker for me; the Moose I know is not usually a morning glory.

Today he hiked through Mather Pass which, at 12,100 feet, is the highest elevation he has been to yet. Don't worry he will soon go much higher! His distance for the day is about 20 miles.

He is stopped for the evening at approximately mile 152. He will approach Bench Lake and Lake Marjorie in the morning and continue on through yet another pass. I'm not telling which pass that will be, though. I don't want to get ahead of myself, or rather, ahead of the Moose!

Just in case you want to check on his tracker, here is the link:

Go see Spot. See Moose walk. Go, Moose, Go!

Oh! One more thing. The Perseid meteor shower is at it's height the next two nights. We can step outside and take a look and see it fairly well here in Klamath. Imagine, though, how it must look from Moose's perspective. High on a mountain, with no light pollution! I must admit, I am envious of his view of God's personal light show! Lucky Moose.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Moose plods higher and higher

It appears our hero, Moose, is continuing to climb to higher places. He started the day at Evolution Creek near McClure Meadow Ranger Station. His moose tracks have stopped for the evening near Starr Camp. In order to get there he had to go through Muir Pass, which is at 11,980 feet!

Total mileage to date is 131. 5 miles...much farther than I would ever want to walk on flat ground in 5 days. His sightseeing along the way must have included two larger lakes, Lake Wanda and Lake Helen. He seems to be stopped for the evening. He has 76.7 miles to go to get to the top of Whitney.

Go Moosey-boy GO!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moose is Up

We've been watching Moose-man as he travels on and on. He has now hiked approximately 115 miles on his two little feet. It looks like Moose spent last night just below Silver Pass, which is 10,750 feet in elevation. The lowest point he hiked yesterday was 7,900 feet. Klamath Falls is approximately 4,100 feet, as a comparison. Crater Lake is at 7,100 feet. The top of Mt Scott, which Ken ran up for training is at 8,100 feet and Mt. McLoughlin, which he also trained on, is at 9,495 feet.
Today Moose went through Selden Pass, which is 10,890 feet up and continued on past a few lakes and other water. He got to wade across Evolution Creek, where is seems he has stopped for the night. He may have made it to McClure Meadow Ranger station, as planned, but it is hard for me to tell. Maps and I are barely on speaking terms most of the time!

As you can see above, Ken is going between Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Moose has written in mileage on the map, so it appears he is near the 115.6 point. No direct communication is available now, so I figure no news is always good news. As long as "SPOT" keeps checking in with the okay signal and keeps moving those little boot prints along, all is well enough.

Tonight as Keith, Cera, Sarah and myself were gorging on Mia and Pia's outstanding burgers, fries, pizza, and Jonah salads we thought of Dad enduring trail food for dinner. I'd feel sorry for him, but he wanted to do this and he knows the bitterness of burger deprivation and the sweetness of satisfying the burger urge at the end of the trail. So, in his honor, we completely devoured our delicious meal!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lilly Chihuahua says:
"My human is muy loco! No hiking for me."

Moosey goes goosey

What?! Moosey goes goosey? Yes he did.

I was surprised yesterday afternoon to get a phone call from the Moose-man. He was near Red's Meadow so he went on ahead to the store and called home. What a good boy! Once I got over my knee-jerk fear reaction to an unexpected phone call, I was relieved to hear he was doing okay. He had loaded up with some extra vittles from the food box and sounded pretty positive.

Moose did say he was dealing with some "frustrations" on the trail which, when he was pressed, he finally explained. It seems that when one hikes at night, at altitude, etc., it is not uncommon to hallucinate. He was more than a little surprised to see Lilly, our chihuahua, trotting along on the trail! Thank goodness he had sense enough to know this was not real, so he did not call to her or anything weird like that! He also "saw" car lights driving on the trail and later a man wearing a hat sitting off to the side.

Keith commented that usually the hallucinations have something to do with something you would like to have. I can understand the cars because that would be an easier way to get there. I can understand the man because he is alone and may be missing companionship. Lilly, hmmm, now THAT has me baffled! How on earth could a chihuahua benefit you on the John Muir Trail? I know I have married a good man since he did not see a hot babe in a bikini. At least he did not mention this if he did. It could be that I married a smart man who would like to be able to come back to his own home.

Boy is Ken going to regret letting me get on his blog!!!

Moose said we will probably not hear from him for at least 5 days, so I guess I get to worry in silence. Well, not really in silence...all the kids are home. When are kids ever NOT hungry?

Keith has promised to help me interpret all the charts, maps, and the spotter thingy to keep up with where Moose is. I haven't a clue on how to use all that Outdoorsy-guy-gadget stuff! Good thing Ken has The LEDGE to help him keep up with the latest technology. Good thing Moose is friends with the Yeti! Mike keeps Ken happily hiking away.